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Writer's pictureAlexandra Robinette

Beyond the books: how leading a Campus Ambassador Programme transformed my professional skills

This year, I had the privilege of being Ravenscroft & Schmierer's first-ever Campus Ambassador Team Leader. Like most students, I only accomplished this following my fair share of rejections. My biggest highlight was leading a dedicated team, and my most important tip for future applicants is to show in your application how you researched the firm and highlight what stood out for you.

Author: Alexandra Robinette, Campus Ambassador Team Leader and Summer Intern

Breaking new ground: the role of Team Leader

Like most law students, (read for example the article of our past intern Jonathan) I was feverishly searching for a summer legal internship when I first stumbled upon Ravenscroft & Schmierer last year. As a Hong Kong resident studying abroad, the firm's international focus matched my aspirations.

I applied for the summer internship and was not accepted. 

However, I saw that the firm also offered Campus Ambassador positions. Since Hong Kong firms do not usually offer such roles, I was taken by surprise and immediately applied. An Open House event and a presentation followed and a few weeks later, to my surprise, I was successfully selected as the programme’s Team Leader. I saw this as a remarkable opportunity that I was not going to let go of. 


A Campus Ambassador’s core responsibilities include organising events, building your personal brand on LinkedIn, advertising the firm on your university campus and responding to queries on LinkedIn. However, as Team Leader, I also had the opportunity to guide the other ambassadors. Through consistent communication and personalised assistance, I aimed to cultivate a collaborative atmosphere where each team member felt valued and empowered to excel in their role. 

This experience has broadened my skills beyond what my law degree has taught me.

Portrait Alexandra Robinette
One of the LinkedIn posts promoting my role!

Behind the scenes: purpose and potential of the programme

As Campus Ambassador Team Leader, I gained over 600 connections, secured a strong recommendation from one of my lecturers for my profile, and became comfortable making LinkedIn posts. Ravenscroft & Schmierer’s Campus Ambassador Programme is much more than using cookie-cutter post templates to advertise a firm. Each Campus Ambassador, including myself, has crafted unique and tailored posts and events for our respective networks and communities. This personalised approach lets us showcase our individuality and demonstrate our dedication to authenticity while at the same time representing the firm’s values and initiatives.

The experience has allowed me to interact with numerous legal professionals regularly. This, coupled with participating in weekly meetings with the firm’s team and engaging with fellow students, has significantly improved my communication and public speaking abilities. It has also greatly boosted my confidence in interacting with new people.

Group of students in the meeting room
Our Campus Ambassador Open House Event in August 2023.

Since taking on this role, I have noticed a marked improvement in my ability to hold conversations and articulate my thoughts more clearly. This growth is largely thanks to the incredible group of Campus Ambassadors we have had this year and the supportive team at the office. 

Since taking on this role, I have noticed a marked improvement in my ability to hold conversations and articulate my thoughts more clearly

I have also greatly developed my professional profile on LinkedIn because of this opportunity. Before I secured my role, I have to admit that my LinkedIn profile was quite weak. I had an outdated, pixelated photo from secondary school, no posts, and it generally was not up-to-date. However, I learned to post regularly about the firm and my event, as well as more personal achievements that I gained over the past few months.

LinkedIn profile Alexandra Robinette
A screenshot of my LinkedIn profile.

Active participation on LinkedIn, such as making and commenting on posts, further increased my visibility and helped me connect with like-minded professionals.

Posting on LinkedIn regularly can help increase your personal brand and visibility, demonstrate your communication skills, and further build up your digital resume by highlighting your relevant achievements. Being active on the platform has enabled me to achieve these goals. This engagement helps me stay updated with legal industry trends and news. A prime example of this is the firm’s consultant, Samantha Symes, whose LinkedIn posts cover legal updates from across the globe. This role transformed my approach to LinkedIn, using it as the powerful networking tool it is meant to be. 

From concept to connection: maximising impact with events

One of the most important parts of the Campus Ambassador role is organising an event at your university to promote opportunities at the firm. I reached out to Kelly Leung, currently a trainee solicitor at the firm, to speak at my event and to explain the academic pathway for students seeking to become trainee solicitors in Hong Kong. When I saw several participants posting about their experience of the event on LinkedIn, it occurred to me that I held a successful event where I was able to introduce Ravenscroft & Schmierer to many prospective candidates.

Event poster
A poster I designed for my event.

At the event, we prepared a Q&A session.


‘What’s the firm’s culture like?’ An attendee asked. 

Kelly highlighted the open-door policy of the firm and how it acted as a metaphor for its friendly and welcoming culture. This made us stand out to her when she was applying to be a trainee. Kelly and I held the webinar as if it were a casual conversation between us and the participants, with a dynamic, engaging and welcoming atmosphere.

The positive response to the webinar boosted my confidence and reinforced the importance of such events in bridging the gap between students and the business world. It was incredibly rewarding to see my efforts pay off and contribute to the professional development of my peers.

Webinar screenshot
A screenshot from my webinar.


Securing success: advice for future applicants

No matter how impressive your CV is, everyone has faced rejection, and this rang especially true for me as someone who struggled to secure summer internships.

Regardless of how big or small the role, apply for it anyway with passion

The Campus Ambassador Programme at Ravenscroft & Schmierer thankfully interrupted my string of bad news: not only did I get into the programme, I obtained my first internship with them as well, with hopefully more to follow. This just goes to show: no matter what you need to do to get your career in motion, do it. Regardless of how big or small the role, apply for it anyway with passion because you never know which new people and opportunities it may introduce you to. 

Before wrapping up my article, here are a few tips that worked for me and that I have shared with many students who contacted me for more insights into applying with our firm. I’ll start with an obvious one: thoroughly research the firm before applying. This applies to any job application, but is especially true for our firm. You can demonstrate genuine interest and initiative if you show that you have done your homework. 

Additionally, having a strong LinkedIn profile is essential. It’s non-negotiable—without one, your application will likely be unsuccessful. Ensure your profile is up-to-date, professional, and accurately reflects your qualifications and experiences.

Another key piece of advice is that the video required to be submitted by all applicants is a chance for you to showcase your personality. Many applicants to the firm aim to become solicitors and a key aspect of a solicitor’s job is to communicate with clients. It will go a long way if you can demonstrate this in your video.

How do you do that? Follow the instructions. Do not just summarise your CV and thereby sound like everyone else. Tell your story. Talk about how you came across this opportunity, who you talked to, and why this resonates with you. 

Lastly, take into account the importance of speaking with people already working with the firm. Campus Ambassadors are available to talk to and give advice, and their advice is reflective of their knowledge of the firm's standards for successful applications. 

If you have any questions or need further insights, feel free to connect with me or the current Campus Ambassadors on LinkedIn. 

Watch my video to learn more about the Campus Ambassador programme here.


Alexandra Robinette is a LLB graduate from the University of Exeter and is working towards building her professional career as a solicitor.

Portrait of Alex Robinette

Alexandra Robinette

2023-24 Campus Ambassador Team Leader


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