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Stefan Schmierer
Jun 2, 2020
Weitere Liberalisierungs- massnahmen im China-Hongkong-Freihandelsabkommen
1. Einführung Sowohl China als auch Hong Kong sind Mitglieder der Freihandelsorganisation WTO; da Hong Kong allerdings ein Teil von China...
Stefan Schmierer
May 8, 2020
Recognition Of Foreign Judgements In Hong Kong
There are occasions when a judgement obtained in a court outside Hong Kong has to be enforced against the Defendant’s assets within Hong...
Stefan Schmierer
May 7, 2020
Neuregelung von Mutterschaftsurlaub in Hong Kong
Bereits in 2018 machte die damals neue Regierungschefin Carrie Lam den Vorschlag, Mutterschaftsurlaub von den bestehenden 10 Wochen auf...
Stefan Schmierer
May 6, 2020
Mergers And Acquisitions
1. Mergers Of Businesses In business-friendly Hong Kong company directors often find themselves needing advice on the sale, purchase, and...
Stefan Schmierer
May 2, 2020
Email Fraud and how to get back your money
The email, that blessing and curse of modern life, has given rise in recent years to multiple criminal actvities. An example of this is...
Stefan Schmierer
May 2, 2020
Force Majeure/ Höhere Gewalt in Zeiten des Coronavirus
1. Einführung Durch den Ausbruch des Coronavirus in China wurden die landesweiten Ferien zu Chinese New Year um mehrere Wochen...
Stefan Schmierer
May 2, 2020
The Administration Of Wills And Estates In Hong Kong
1. The Need For Administration Of Estates After a loved one dies relations have the added burden at a time of bereavement of winding up...
Stefan Schmierer
May 2, 2020
Contested Probate Of A Will – Legal Process
Applications may be made to the Court for: 1. the grant of probate of the will, or letters of administration of the estate if there is no...
Stefan Schmierer
May 2, 2020
Prenuptial Agreements And The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1. Introduction To Prenuptial Agreements A prenuptial agreement is a signed and written contract entered into by parties to a prospective...
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