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Ravenscroft & Schmierer
Oct 2, 2020
How to Keep a Significant Controllers Register (SCR)
In order to fulfil the international obligations as a member of the FATF (Financial Action Task Force) regarding MLTF (Money Laundering...
Stefan Schmierer
Sep 9, 2020
Green Bonds: Financing a Greener Future Enhanced with Securitisation and Derivatives
This article was co-authored by Julian So from ONC Lawyers, and Anna Lau. Introduction – Defining Green Bonds Green bonds, also known as...
Ravenscroft & Schmierer
Aug 2, 2020
What to Do as a Director if your Company is in Financial Difficulties
Responsibilities and liabilities of directors come from various sources, including the Articles of Association of the company, case law...
Anna Lau
Jul 28, 2020
Police Being Condemned for “High Degree of Ignorance and Incompetence”
After 10 years of protracted court battles, the Plaintiff in Chun Sang Plastics Company Limited v Commissioner of Police & Secretary for...
Stefan Schmierer
Jun 5, 2020
Der Hongkonger Jahreshaushalt 2020/2021
1. Ü bersicht Wie jedes Jahr im Februar hielt der Hongkonger Finanzminister Paul Chan am 26. Februar 2020 seine jährliche Rede zur...
Stefan Schmierer
Jun 4, 2020
Aktuelle Hinweise Für Arbeitgeber In Hongkong Bezüglich Des Coronavirus
Mit der Verbreitung des neuartigen Coronavirus in Mainland China, aber auch in Hongkong kommt es zu einer Häufung von Nachfragen der...
Stefan Schmierer
Jun 2, 2020
Springboard Injunctions: How to Protect Your Business
1. Legal Principles Springboard injunctions serve to eliminate or at least reduce economic loss to an employer due to obtained from the...
Stefan Schmierer
Jun 2, 2020
Hong Konger Regierung übernimmt Teile des Gehalts der Mitarbeiter
1. Einführung Im Frühjahr 2020 hatte die Hong Konger Regierung entschieden, der lokalen Wirtschaft mit einer weiten Anzahl von...
Stefan Schmierer
Jun 2, 2020
An Introduction to the International Commercial terms: Incoterms©
The International Commercial Terms (Incoterms©) feature a series of three-letter trade terms which each presents accurate rules for...
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